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MoLight ProTeam

MoLight is blessed to have an incredible array of talent and expertise on our national mentor team. These accomplished professionals from around the country possess a dizzying array of accomplishments, many of whom hold multiple PPA degrees. You can see them speak on national conference platform stages like ImagingUSA, SYNC, Shutterfest, WPPI, and more. But the two factors that make them ideal members of the MoLight ProTeam are: a passion for education and lifting up the professional, and a shared love of MoLight lighting gear.

Learn more about our ProTeam below, and see the gear they use in our ProKits.

MoLight ProTeam mentor Jenn Lewis

 "MoLight gives me so many creative tools and options for creating senior images that really stand out. That’s why I’m their #1 customer. LOL" - Jenn Lewis

Jenn's ProKit for Seniors
Jenn's ProKit for Headshots

"My senior kit allows me to travel light, work quickly, and provides versatility. I can overpower the sun, create it on overcast days, and use the 300's powerful modeling light at night after the sun goes down. Everything I need to create the most variety in every lighting scenario for my clients." ~ Angela Navarette, M. Photog.
Angela's ProKit for Seniors
Angela's ProKit for Headshots